It's time to find yourself a home.

You've flown all over the world and seen some of the sights. Think about all the places you've been. It makes sense to make your home near your favorite activities. That way, you'll spend less time commuting, and less money if you teleport.

You can always change your home later if you decide to move.

Look at the map and decide on a general area you'd like to call home. Using the "Land You Can Buy" selection from the Background pull down menu in the World Map window will help you find areas with available land. Premium Access members can own up to 512 square meters of land before incurring additional land fees; Basic Access users will be advised that they need to pay additional fees in order to own land.

Once you've found a likely area, find out what land is available.

Open the View menu at the top of your screen and activate the view Land Owners function.

Land that's owned by others will be marked with a brightly colored overlay. Land that isn't colored is open to you.

Wander around and pick a nice little spot that you like.

Land costs money to buy, so don't overextend yourself. Just pick out a nice little plot.

Click on the land you want to buy.

A pie menu will open.

Choose Edit Land ...

A small parcel of land -- 4 by 4 meters by default -- will be marked off, and a tool panel will open.

We'll want a little more land than what's marked, so:

Click and drag on the land to mark out a rectangle that's at least 12 by 12 meters.

Land is parceled out in 4 by 4 meter chunks, so if you make a rectangle that's 3 by 3 chunks, that'll be 12 by 12 meters. 12 by 12 is the minimum size you'll want to have room to place a small house and have a little room for a yard or garden.

Click on the Claim Land ... button in the tool panel to buy the land.

A dialog will open, giving details of the sale, including the cost to claim and any changes to your billing required to claim the land.

Click on the Claim button.

Your account will be deducted for the sale. If claiming the land changes your billing, you'll need to approve the transaction in a confirmation email before the land is added to your account.

YOu can locate your land at anytime using the My Land tool located in World menu at the top of your screen.

Now let's mark this land as your Home.

Hit Esc to close the tool panel, then move your avatar onto your land.

Open the World menu and select Set Home to Here.

Now your newly purchased land has been set as your home location.

Because this is your "official" home (at least for now), whenever you enter Second Life, you have the option to enter here (or enter at the last place you were last time you were in-world).

If the land isn't flat, let's flatten it to prepare it for a house. (If it is flat, skip to the next help screen.)

Fly your avatar up and position it so you can see your whole parcel of land.

Click on the land and select Edit Land ... in the pie menu.

In the tool panel, click on Flatten Land.

Slowly move the cursor over your land until it's fairly flat.

It doesn't have to be perfect, just "flattish," so you can plop down a house there.

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