Fortunately, there's a cozy little basic cabin in your Inventory, ready to build. This cabin isn't very big or fancy. And you'll see a number of them around.
But you can do a lot of customizing to make it more original. And once you learn the ways of the world and as you participate more in the Second Life economy, you'll be able to afford to buy a much nicer house -- or design and build your own.
1. Open your Inventory and open the Objects folder.
2. Find the object called "Cabin, Little," and drag it out of your Inventory and onto your land.
Technically -- and this is an important point to understand -- the cabin itself wasn't in your inventory -- just the design for the cabin. When you pull that design out of your inventory and place it on the ground, it is then built. We'll discuss this in a minute.
3. Click on the cabin and select Edit from the pie menu.
4. Drag the cabin around by the arrows to place it exactly where you want it. (Don't forget to adjust it up and down.)
Once your new cabin is in place, click on next to take the next step -- customizing and personalizing your new home.
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