Open the World Map and double-click any place the looks interesting; your avatar will teleport to the Telehub closest to your chosen location.

Fly down from the Telehub and choose a spot that you'd like to explore more in the future.

Now, let's make a landmark so that you can find your way back again later.

12. Open the World menu and select Create Landmark Here.

Your Inventory will open if (it's not already open), and a new landmark, called New Landmark, is there and highlighted.

13. Right-click on the New Landmark, and select Rename.

14. Type in a new name for the landmark, something the describes the place, and hit Enter (Return).

Now you have a new landmark to use any time you want.

When you use your landmark, you'll be teleported to the nearest Telehub location. From there, turn your avatar until you see the red beacon and follow it to the final destination. [ Advanced Skills Home | Previous | Next ]