You don't need much for now, just a place for guests to sit, and maybe a lamp or two.
1. Use the World Map window to find your way to the shopping mall in Luna.
2. Wander around the place and find a few things that you think will go well in your new home.
3. Click on one of the things you want to buy, then select Buy.
A confirmation dialog will open, giving the details of the transaction and the permissions involved. You'll notice that you are buying a copy, not the original. You'll also find out if you'll be able to modify or copy the thing you buy.
4. Click Buy.
A copy of the item will be put into your Inventory.
5. Return to your home, and go inside.
6. Open your inventory. Drag your new purchases out of inventory and into your home.
7. Click on one of the items, and select Edit from the pie menu.
8. Drag the item around by the arrows to place it where it belongs.
Chances are, you'll also need to rotate it.
9. In the tool panel, click on Rotate.
The arrows turn into rounded axes surrounding the item.
10. Drag the rounded axes to rotate the item to the proper position.
11. Place the other items you bought where you want them.
So, now you have a party pad. How do you find people to invite over?
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