So how do you find people?
People who you've met -- and exchanged calling cards with -- are easy to find, if they're in-world.
1. Make sure the World Map window is open.
2. Click on the Person Tracking pull-down menu (just above the Landmark pull-down) on the right side of the window.
A list of people shows up. Names only show up here if they're on your Friends list, and only if that Resident is currently in-world.
3. Choose a name on the list, then look at the Map.
Your friend will be shown on the map as a red circle.
4. Back in the main Second Life window, fly up a ways and turn around until you see a red beacon.
This beacon works just like the landmark beacon. You can find it and follow it to your friend. You can also click on the Teleport or Fly button in the World Map window to get to your friend more quickly.
Finding people you already know is easy. So, how do you find new friends? Use the Finder.
5. Click the Find button at the top of your screen to open the Finder
The Finder helps you to locate people in Second Life, and many other things as well.
If only our first lives were this easy.
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