Now we'll build the lamp's pole.

1. Click on the Create button in the Tool Palette.

2. Click on the Cylinder button (top row, 5th from the left).

3. Click on the ground near the lamp base you made.

4. Click on the Object tab in the Tool Palette.

5. Change the X Size to 0.100, change the Y Size to 0.100, and change the Z Size to 2.000.

6. Change the pole's Material to Metal.

7. Change the pole's texture to match the base.

Now we need to move the pole to the center of the base. Moving things in 3-D is tricky, so be patient.

You may find that you'll need to change your view at times. To change your view at any time, click on the Focus icon, and move the camera around until you can see what you want. (We learned how to do this earlier--it works just like using the Focus On feature from the pie menu.)

8. Click on the Edit icon in the Tool Palette.

9. Click on the pole.

Now you'll see red, green and blue arrows. These are axes (plural of axis). You can move things around be dragging these arrows.

10. Drag the up-pointing blue arrow until the pole is just resting on the ground (not half-buried).

11. Drag the red and green arrows to place the pole right in the middle of the base.

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