1. Click on the Create icon in the Tool Palette.
2. Click on the half-sphere icon (top row, far right).
3. Click on the ground near your lamp base and pole.
The default size will work just fine, so we won't have to change that, but we'll want to change the material.
4. Click on the Edit icon in the Tool Palette, then make sure the new half-sphere is selected.
5. Click on the Object tab,then click on the Material drop-down, and then select Light.
Now you've got what looks like a glowing piece of wood. Let's change the texture to get something that looks more like a light bulb.
6. Click on the Texture tab, then click on the wood texture to open the Pick: Texture dialog.
7. Click on the White button, then click OK.
You now have a white, glowing bulb.
Now, let's move the bulb into place on top of the pole.
8. Click on the Edit icon, then on the bulb, then drag the three arrows and place the half-sphere on top of the pole.
Again, moving things around in 3-D is tricky. Be patient and don't be afraid to use the Focus tool and move the camera around so you can see things at different angles.
After futzing with placing the bulb for a while, it may occur to you that there has to be a more exact way to do this. There is: by using the Position controls in the Object tab.
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