Unable to Configure Display

Second Life tries to create a display window at a resolution of 1024x768 pixels at a color depth of 32-bit. This message indicates that Windows is unable to create that window. This message often appears when your graphics hardware does not meet Second Life's Minimum System Requirements; however, it may also appear if your current Windows display settings aren't high enough.

Set your monitor to True Color (32-bit).

  1. Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel
  2. Click Display
  3. On the Settings tab, under Color Quality, select Highest (32 bit).
  4. Make sure the display resolution is 1024x768 or higher.
  5. Click OK
  6. When you are prompted to keep this setting, click Yes.

If the problem continues, contact your video card manufacturer to obtain video driver updates. Video driver updates for ATI and Nvidia graphics products are available for download from the following websites:


For help with identifying supported video cards, please visit Second Life Help:
