Let's go shopping.

In Second Life, there are "official" stores and vending machines where you can buy things, but you can also buy (or take a free copy of) many things that aren't in stores. In fact, you can put a price on anything you build and if people want it, they can buy it and you get the money.

You can use the Find window to look up a variety of places, selling virtually anything imaginable. Whatever your interest, there's probably a store selling it somewhere in Second Life. When you've selected a store in the Find window, you can teleport to it or mark it on your Map.

"Window shopping" in Second Life is actually quite simple.

1. Find an object that interests you, and point to it.

After a second or so some information about the object will pop up. The information will include whether it's for sale and how much it costs. If the object is not listed as For Sale, try left-clicking it to see if it's a scripted vendor instead. (If so, it'll tell you in chat how much the item costs.)

Once you find something that interests you:

2. Right-click on the object.

A pie menu opens.

3. Select Buy on the left of the pie menu.

A confirmation dialog will open giving you the details of the transaction, including the price. If you want it:

4. Click on Buy.

If the object's popup doesn't list it as For Sale, but clicking it tells you the price, then the Buy menu choice probably isn't available. In this case, we're going to Pay the vendor, and it'll give us the item:

4. Right-click on the vendor and choose Pay. Enter the cost of the item you're trying to buy, and click OK. When a blue box comes up offering you the item you just bought, click Accept.

You've just made your first financial transaction. The object you just bought is placed in your Inventory. Notice that its name may include (no copy), (no modify), or (no transfer); this means that you can't copy the object, can't edit the object, or can't give the object away, respectively.

6. If you bought clothing, drag it from Inventory onto your avatar. If you bought an object, drag it from Inventory to some location inworld.

If you bought clothing, your avatar will wear the clothing when you drag it onto yourself. If you bought an object, it'll appear inworld at the place you drop it.

If you thought you bought clothing, but end up with a box on your head when you drag it onto yourself, don't worry! Right-click the box and Detach it, then drag in somewhere else (just like an object). Right-click the box and choose Edit, then click More, then finally choose its Contents. You should find the clothing you bought in there; drag it from the box's Contents into your Inventory. You can then wear your new clothing.

If the object you bought is (no copy), notice how it disappears from inventory when you bring it inworld. If you lose track of a no-copy object when it's inworld, it may be very hard to find it again! You can right-click your object and choose Take to put it back in your inventory. If the object isn't (no copy), notice how it remains in your Inventory even when you bring it inworld. You'll always have a copy of this object (unless you manually delete the Inventory copy, of course!)

7. To take back an object inworld, right-click on the object you created, and choose Take. To delete the object, right-click it, and press the Del key on your keyboard.

You should only delete an object if you still have a copy in Inventory! If you don't have a copy in your Inventory, be sure and Take it instead.

You can go on a shopping binge now, or click Next to move on.

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