Your Inventory is your treasure chest. It holds everything that you build, own and need. There's even a Library that contains objects, clothing, outfits, textures, and more for you to use.
Let's take a quick look at it:
1. Click on the Inventory button in the lower-right corner of the screen.
The Inventory box is set up like a filing cabinet, with folders and files. You can have folders inside other folders to help organize things as you gather more and more stuff.
Think of your Inventory as a huge electronic closet.
2. Look at the name of all the folders in your Inventory, then go ahead and look through them.
3. Click on the small "+" next to a folder to open it, then click on the "-" to close it.
The main folders are:
Body Parts -- here's a place to store different body parts. The ones that are in bold text are currently worn by your avatar. Double-click on a body part to wear it.
Calling Cards -- here's where the calling cards that you gather are stored, plus your own. Double-click on a calling card to find out more information about the person behind the card.
Clothing -- this is a folder where you can keep assorted pieces of clothing, plus whole outfits, so you can change your avatar's looks as often as you like. Outfits can even hold body parts and shapes, so when you change, you really change. Clothes that you're currently wearing are shown in bold text.
Landmarks -- this folder holds all of your landmarks, including the ones you make yourself.
Note Cards -- this folder holds note cards, which are like sticky notes: a place to keep text notes to yourself.
Objects -- this is a folder that holds various things that you make or buy in Second Life. They can range from small toys to whole houses.
Photo Album -- this is where the screenshots you take are stored. You can take screenshots by selecting Take Screenshot in the File menu.
Scripts -- this folder holds a number of useful scripts that can be attached to objects to make them more interactive. You can write your own scripts if you choose, or use scripts created by others and just modify them. For instance, you can use a Door script on the door to your house and easily modify the password.
Sounds -- this folder holds sounds that you can play or attach to avatar gestures (we'll do this later). You can record your own sounds and upload them into your Inventory.
Textures -- this folder is for graphics that you can use to decorate your walls, to add flair to anything you build, and even create new items of clothing.
Trash -- this is where everything you delete from your Inventory goes until you empty the trash. It's a safety feature that helps you get back things you may have accidentally deleted.
5. Click on the X button to close the Inventory box.
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