The software behind Second Life is, as you might imagine, extremely complicated and much of technology is very new and is constantly being improved, updated, and expanded. As a result, it may not work perfectly all the time.

If you have any problems with Second Life, please let us know. Tell us about bugs, problems and anything else that makes Second Life less than wonderful.

If you're having little problems that aren't preventing you from playing Second Life (little things aren't working right), tell us about them using the Bug Reporter tool located under the Help menu at the top of your screen. Bug Reports are always read, and we'll use your report to help make Second Life better. However, you may not receive a response to a Bug Report, so it's not a good choice for a problem you need help with.

If you're having a big problem with Second Life that you need help with, you can contact Support at or through the phone number listed on our Contact page at

If you need help with something inworld, you can contact Live Help, a group of volunteer residents who can answer many questions about things in Second Life. Simply open the Help menu and select Live Help, then type your question into the group IM session that opens up. (Be sure to leave the group IM open so you can receive a response!)

Problems can also be discussed in the Second Life Forums. Feature suggestions are welcome, and there's a special discussion board in the Forums for suggesting and discussing new features.

That's it for the Second Life Concepts.

If you're still thirsty for knowledge, you can jump ahead to the Advanced Second Life Skills.

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