Now let's visit Jessie and see how much danger we can handle.

1. Navigate your way to the Jessie Wall and cross over.

Once you enter Jessie, you'll notice that your health rating appears in the lower-left corner of the screen. That means your avatar can be damaged or killed here. Be careful.

2. Buy a gun or other weapon.

3. The use of your weapon will very from type to type -- most come with an instructional Notecard detailing proper operation.

The most efficient way to maneuver and fire weapons is in Mouselook.

4. Press the M key on your keyboard to enter Mouselook mode.

In general, you'll use the keyboard's W and S keys to move forward and backward, and use the mouse to steer. If you haven't moved around in Mouselook before, you may want to practice a little.

One more thing you'll need to know: you also aim the gun with the mouse, and press the left mouse button to fire.

5. Wander around in Mouselook and take some practice shots.

6. Once you feel secure that you can move, aim, and shoot, head deep into Jessie.

You can stay and play if you want, otherwise click Next below to leap from destruction to creation and learn how to build things in Second Life.

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