1. Click on your avatar, then click on Appearance....
2. Click on the Make Outfit button at the bottom of the Appearance dialog.
Another dialog opens.
3. Under Folder name: type in Everyday Clothes.
You'll notice that you can choose to include your avatar's Shape, Skin, Hair and Eyes in the new outfit as well as clothes. This lets you not only instantly change clothes, but also change the entire look of your avatar any time you want.
For now, let's only include Hair, Eyes, Shirt, Pants, Shoes, Socks and Jacket. You can always modify other things later.
4. Check the boxes next to Hair, Eyes, Shirt, Pants, Shoes, Socks and Jacket, then click Save.
We have now saved the complete current outfit that we're wearing, so we can return to it instantly at any time.
5. Click on the Make Outfit button again.
6. Under Folder name: type in Party Clothes and click Save.
Now, we have a duplicate set of clothes that we can modify. Let's create our new party outfit, starting with the jacket.
7. Click on the Shirt button on the left side of the Appearance dialog.
8. Click on the Upper Fabric square.
A small dialog opens, displaying a swatch of the current jacket fabric.
9. Click on the pop-up menu just below the swatch, and choose a new fabric for your jacket, then click OK.
10. Try on a few fabrics, then choose one to keep.
11. Choose a Fabric for the jacket's Lower Fabric.
It can be the same as the Upper Fabric, or different, depending on your personal preference.
12. Now play with the sliders to adjust the look and fit of the jacket.
13. Change your shirt, pants, shoes and socks in the same way.
14. Now, give yourself a new hairdo and a custom eye color.
15. When you're all done modifying your outfit, click on the Save All button.
You have now saved all of the recent modifications into your Inventory.
Let's see how easy it is to change.
16. Open the Inventory and then open the Clothing folder.
17. Drag the Everyday Clothes folder out of your Inventory and onto your avatar.
Everything should change -- even the hairstyle and eye color.
18. Drag the Party Clothes folder out of your Inventory and onto your avatar.
You've instantly changed back into your party clothes, and you're ready for a night on the town.
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