1. Click on your avatar.
2. When the pie menu opens, move the cursor up and click on "Go...".
A small box with arrows in it opens near the bottom of the screen.
3. Click (or click and hold) on all of the arrows, one at a time.
If you play with these for a while, you'll get the hang of moving forward and backward, turning left and right, side-walking left and right, and even jumping and crouching.
Now we'll try a shortcut:
4. Click and hold on the forward arrow, then, while still holding, slide the cursor out of the box, left and right, forward and backward.
Take some time and practice guiding your avatar around in this way.
5. Click on the Fly button.
Your avatar rises into the air.
6. Use the arrows as before to fly around. Don't forget to try the up and down arrows.
Take your time and practice a little before you move on.
7. Click on the Fly button again to return to the ground.
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