Landmarks help you find your way to new places, or find your way back to a place you liked. You have a number of useful, ready-to-use landmarks at your disposal. Later, you'll be making your own.

1. Look at the Mini-Map. (Click on the "Mini-Map" button if you don't see it.)

In addition to showing an overview of the world, the Mini-Map also helps you find your way around.

2. Click on Mini Map to open the World Map window.

The World Map shows more of the Second Life world. Some extra controls appear on the right side of the map, including a pull-down list of landmarks.

3. Click on Landmark pull-down

4. Select a Landmark that sounds interesting to you.

Once you select a landmark in this list, a couple of things happen: the landmark appears on the map as a red square, and a large beacon appears in the world at the landmark's location.

You only see beacons while a landmark is selected, and only you can see it. So don't tell someone to go to the big red beacon, because they won't see it unless they have the same landmark selected.

If you've wandered a ways from your starting point, you may not be able to see the landmark on the map. If that's the case:

5. Slide the Zoom slider to shrink the map until you can see the red square that marks the landmark.

Once you see the landmark on the map:

6. Click the Teleport button on the World Map.

Your avatar will teleport to a Telehub. This is a central teleport location that's close to your landmark. You'll need to fly the rest of the way.

7. Use the A and D keys, or left and right arrow keys, to turn your avatar until the red arrow inworld points in front of you (the center of the screen).

At this point, your avatar is facing the landmark. You should be able to see a tall red beacon marking the landmark in-world.

8. Go to the landmark.

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