Read on to learn how to use Instant Messaging.

Instant Messaging is private, and only the Residents you send an Instant Message to can hear it.

Let's take a look at the Instant Messaging box.

1. Click on the IM button in the lower-left corner of the screen.

The New Instant Messaging box opens.

Until you meet some people and add them to your Friends list, there won't be anyone listed for Instant Messaging. Instead, you can find someone to IM using the Find menu or Right-Clicking another Resident near you and selecting "Send IM".

Let's send an IM to someone to see how IM works.

2. Select a name in the New IM menu (if you've collected any calling cards) or use the Find menu to locate another Resident and select "Send IM".

The IM box changes. The title now says Instant Message with the Resident you selected.

Also, now there are two tabs a the bottom of the box, one to return to New IM (your list of people you can IM), plus one where you're now ready to carry on an IM conversation.

3. Type in an appropriate message and press Enter (Return).

Your message will be sent.

IM is a great way to leave messages for others even when they're not in-world. And once you have a number of Friends, you can carry on multiple IM conversations at once.

If you find someone who you want to add to your Friends list:

4. Click on their avatar, and from the pie menu, select Add Friend.

They'll get a dialog asking them if they want to accept your offer of Friendship. If they say "no," then they won't appear on your Friends list..

If someone clicks on your avatar and wants to become your Friend, you'll be given the chance to say yes or no before it happens.

If you decide at a later time that you no longer want to be Friends with a particular person, you can remove them from your Friends list, and you will automatically be removed from theirs.

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